There are many opportunities for kick-starting your career at BIRN. If you choose to become an apprentice, we make sure that you get good training where you develop both vocationally and personally. If you do well, you have great opportunities for permanent employment on completion of your apprenticeship.

Get an apprenticeship as...


Automation technician

As an automation technician at BIRN, you will work with robotics and automated machines and systems. As an automation technician, you will acquire special knowledge about a number of fields, including electricity, pneumatics, electronics, mechanics, programming and robotics.


Industrial technician

As an industrial technician at BIRN, you will work with machinery and production. Your tasks will include making high-quality cast iron components for the truck industry via both computerised and manually operated machines.


Foundry technician

As a foundry technician at BIRN, you will be right at the "heart" of our DNA as a business, and you will bring into play your craftsmanship skills and sense of design as well as spatial understanding. You will be turning scrap into "gold", as we recycle scrap as a raw material in the melting process when making new components.

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IT Supporter

As an IT supporter, you will work with our IT hardware and software systems and infrastructure. As an IT supporter, you will usually be responsible for the day-to-day operation of the systems and provide help when the PC freezes or crashes or when new programs are to be installed.



The vocational education as a blacksmith at BIRN is very varied, ranging from machine maintenance and repair to various tasks regarding our buildings and infrastructure. Here you will acquire experience with how to choose the right steel types and the right work technique for the various tasks, and we are on the "beat" and keep up with the latest techniques in the trade.


Warehouse and logistics operator

As a warehouse and logistics operator at BIRN, you will specialise in logistics and stock management. You will learn the importance of optimal supply, distribution and purchasing management in the business.



Surface treatment specialist

As a surface treatment specialist, you will acquire practical experience with pre-treatment, metallisation and varnishing, which are the technical methods used to strengthen and corrosion protect the material and to provide a nice finish. You will learn to perform both chemical and manual pre-treatment and to powder coat and wet varnish.

Line optimizes BIRN's logistics

During her internship at BIRN's logistics department, Line Ceeholm's ideas and inputs have created momentum for the development and streamlining of the foundry's warehouse and logistics processes.


If you are curious and would like to learn more about your apprenticeship opportunities at BIRN, we would love to hear from you.

Morten Madsen, Group HR Manager

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